Patrons who violate the Patron Responsibilities and Conduct guidelines may be asked to leave the library by any staff member or library volunteer. Individuals who are unwilling to leave or do not leave within a reasonable amount of time after being instructed to do so will be subject to legal recourse.
The library director may determine disciplinary action for patrons who violate the rules of conduct, up to and including the loss of library privileges as follows:
- 1st offense: Loss of library privileges for 60 days. Parents/guardians of minors will be notified.
- 2nd offense: Loss of library privileges for 6 months. Parents/guardians of minors will be notified.
- Any further violations: May lead to permanent loss of library privileges, including the right to visit the building and grounds. Repeat offenders or persons ordered from the premises who do not comply may be subject to arrest and prosecution for trespassing.
- Severe offenses: Patrons who put the safety of others at risk, violate the law on library premises, or who refuse to obey the instructions of library staff may, at the discretion of the director, be subject to a longer or permanent loss of library privileges depending on the severity of the incident. If there is reason to suspect that Wisconsin statutes or federal laws have been violated, the proper authorities may be notified.
Patrons who have lost library privileges or parents/guardians of minors who have lost library privileges may appeal the director’s decision to the Board of Trustees within 14 days of notification of the ban. The decision of the library board is final.
Patron Responsibilities and Conduct policy reviewed and amended by the Library Board of Trustees, April 11, 2022.