Friends of the Mercer Public Library
Who we are
The Friends of the Mercer Public Library is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to raise funds to enhance the overall operation of the Mercer Public Library; focus public attention on library programs and services; and support a partnership between the community and the library. The Friends and other library donors fund public programming, essential furniture and equipment purchases, and new initiatives in public service at the library.
A donation of any amount qualifies you as a member of the Friends of the Mercer Public Library. Our membership year is from May 1 through April 30. Your membership in the Friends demonstrations your understanding of the vital role our library plays in our community. We invite you to join us by making a donation to the Friends of the Mercer Public Library today!
Join us for regular meetings on the second Tuesday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at the library. New volunteers are always welcome!
Our history

March 2001 Friends Meeting
Judy Ivey, Jeane Wood, Mary Willson, Eta Evenson, Prudence Nelson, Debbie Hohner
The Friends of the Mercer Public Library began as a small group of concerned library patrons who were committed to the library and wanted to help make it a strong and vital part of the community.
The first recorded minutes are from the meeting on January 10, 2001. Seven members attended; Mary Willson was named acting President, Jeane Wood acting Secretary, and, in March 2001, Prudence Nelson volunteered to be acting Treasurer.
By the April 2001 meeting, the first membership brochure was created with 490 copies made and mailed out.
The Friends applied for 501 (c)(3) tax exempt status in 2001 and were approved in early 2002. The Town of Mercer contributed funds to help obtain this status. In September 2001, the Friends elected their first officers: President- Mary Willson, Vice President- Judy Ivey, Secretary- Jeane Wood; Treasurer- Opal Roberts.
Significant growth took place in the first two years. In 2001, the Friends counted 83 members; by 2002, that number had grown to 123. In 2024, the Friends exceeded their goal of 200 membership donations.
Becoming a Friend
Joining the Friends of the Mercer Public Library is an excellent way to show your commitment to the Library and your recognition of its importance in the Mercer community.
A donation of any amount makes you a Friend of the Library. Join us in supporting our Library, its programs, and our community.