Inter-Library Loan

Because of limited budget and space, the library cannot provide all materials that are requested. Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is used to obtain materials that are beyond the scope of this library’s collection and are not available through the NWLN library consortium. In return for utilizing ILL to satisfy the needs of our patrons, the Mercer Public Library agrees to lend its materials to other libraries through the same ILL network.

In order to maintain the Mercer Public Library’s ability to borrow ILL materials, patron requests must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Borrowers requesting ILL services must have a NWLN library card in good standing and must be a resident or property owner in the Northern Waters Library Service area, encompassing Ashland, Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, Iron, Sawyer, Vilas, and Washburn counties in Wisconsin.
  • MPL will provide ILL services to all eligible patrons without charge whenever possible.
  • Patrons may have up to five active ILL requests at any time.
  • Patrons shall pick up requested items in a timely manner and shall return all ILL items to MPL with their original paperwork or packaging.
  • MPL will not lend or request items that are rare, valuable, fragile, unique and difficult to replace, in high demand in the local NWLN consortium, or in prepublication. Items that have been published within the last 90 days are not eligible for ILL requests outside of the NWLN system.
  • If items cannot be obtained through ILL, MPL will attempt to obtain the needed information through document delivery services if appropriate.
  • Patrons must agree to adhere to the due dates set by the lending library. Up to two renewals may be requested in advance of the due date. If a renewal has been denied, patrons must return materials promptly to the borrowing library and MPL will not request further renewals. All ILL material on loan is subject to immediate recall at the request of the lending library.
  • Failure to follow these guidelines may jeopardize MPL’s ability to obtain ILL items for all patrons. Therefore, a patron’s ILL privileges may be suspended or revoked if:
    • the patron refuses to return ILL materials on time or when recalled, or to follow other library instructions;
    • the patron damages ILL items; or
    • the patron refuses to pay overdue or replacement charges associated with ILL items.