"Exists at the crossroads of Looney Tunes, Benny Hill, Cannibal: the musical, Blazing Saddles, and Adult Swim mindsets." -- Slashfilm Friday, June 28th at 4:00 p.m... All the finest minds in the northwoods will gather... for a screening of the supernatural winter epic HUNDREDS OF BEAVERS. Filmed in Wisconsin, this is the northwoods as you've never seen it before. JEAN KAYAK finds himself stranded in a surreal winter landscape with nothing but his dim wits to guide him. Against a backdrop of ruthless elements and sinister creatures - all played by actors in full-sized mascot costumes – KAYAK develops increasingly complex traps in order to win the hand of a mischievous lover. - hundredsofbeavers.com The Mercer Library is excited to present a free screening of HUNDREDS OF BEAVERS, directed by Mike Chesik and starring Ryland Brickson Cole Tews, Olivia Graves, and Wes Tank. It's action... it's adventure... it's comedy... it's free popcorn... it's not for small children! It's a slapstick epic about a frostbitten battle between JEAN KAYAK and DIABOLICAL BEAVERS—hundreds of them—who stand between him and survival. They Gnaw Where You Live! Just before the screening, don't miss our Beaver Bonanza featuring fearsome beaver stories and facts, door prizes, and […]