The Mercer Library Solar Energy System - Leveraging a Sense of Place to Galvanize a Local Response to Global Climate Change. By Wende Thiede, Margaret Mooney, and Steve Ackerman In 2015, two instructors from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW), Steve Ackerman and...
Plastic Film Recycling @ Your Library
Our plastic film recycling program has come to an end as of September 7, 2021. Unfortunately, Kohl's stores have decided to no longer participate in the program, leaving us with no local drop-off locations to use for our recycling. We have to stop collecting plastic...

February is “Love Your Library” month in Mercer!
The Friends of the Library are celebrating "Love Your Library" month with several activities designed to share the library love. The Mercer Town Board of Supervisors recently declared February 2021 as Love Your Library Month in Mercer. The Friends of the Mercer...
February declared “Love Your Library Month” in Mercer
At their regular meeting on Thursday, January 21, 2021, the Mercer Town Board approved a declaration officially naming February as "Love Your Library" month in Mercer, Wisconsin. The Friends of the Mercer Library will be celebrating with several activities in the...
Friends of the Library 2020 Membership Drive
The Friends of the Mercer Public Library have launched their 2020 membership drive. The following letter was sent to those on the Friends of the Library mailing list. June 22, 2020 Dear Mercer Library supporters, As the Friends of the Mercer Library begin our annual...
Donate to the Friends of Mercer Public Library
Friends of the Mercer Library Membership or Donation Entered by customer Donate

2019 Fall Celebration
2019 Fall Celebration Thank you to all of our donors and sponsors! Updated 9/17/2019 Book Basket raffles "Bees" Basket - Wampum Shop Musky lures - Pete Meronek with book from Jeff Richter Baking Basket - Louise Minisan Badgers Build-a-Bear Basket - Dorothy Wahner...

American Girl doll raffle 2019
The Friends of the Mercer Public Library are holding an American Girl doll raffle this summer! One lucky winner will receive: American Girl "Truly Me" doll and outfit American Girl snowboard and helmet American Girl "Sparkle and Spin" skating outfit American Girl...

Earth Day Poster Contest winners announced
The Friends of the Mercer Public Library were honored to sponsor a poster contest for our 3rd annual Earth Day Fair. Thirty-nine posters were submitted by students from area schools, including students in preschool through 12th grade. The following students were...
Earth Day poster contest announced
March 25, 2019 -- The Friends of the Library are happy to announce their first Earth Day poster contest! Posters will be judged on their Earth Day message, originality and creativity, and design quality and attractiveness. Cash prizes will be awarded, including $50...